If you don't already have one, visit the DropBox website (https://www.dropbox.com) to create a DropBox account.
Visit the App console of Dropbox Developer Console: https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps
Click on "Create app"
Select “Scoped access” in Choose an API
Choose “App folder” in type of App and set a name for your App
Your Dropbox app for getting data from ScrapeHero has been successfully created. You can access your created apps from the app console: https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps/
Open you app from App console and go to permissions
Enable all 4 permissions in the Files and folders section and click submit
Goto ‘settings’ and find the App key
Authorization code can be generated by opening the below URL.
Replace <APP_KEY> with your Dropbox app key
Click on ‘Continue’
Click on ‘Allow’
Authorisation code will get generated as below
Please copy the authorization code and use it to send the provided cURL POST request below in order to generate a refresh token for the Dropbox app.
For AUTHORIZATIONCODEHERE, use the code obtained in step 3
APPKEY and APPSECRET can be obtained from settings section of app
You will get a response like below,
"access_token": "sl.ByhMVNG3XkXEMapmCN4lU5KSfxUNTb62QuTREtnWXHyRNM1dzLSGwmil5EFJQEBhnLdOv",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 14400,
"refresh_token": "JdBkMuDBOywAAAAAAAAAAW082__gXOZjhjN_LImS97gkbZe",
"scope": "account_info.read files.content.read files.content.write files.metadata.read files.metadata.write",
"uid": "117779",
"account_id": "dbid:AADl0eRklSeWO2UNqvM"
Please share the “refresh_token”, “App key”, and “App secret” with us to upload data to your DropBox account.
Note: If you encounter any other invalid responses such as an expired code, please proceed to generate a new authorization code (step 3) and then retry step 4 with the newly generated authorization code.